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Posted by: SiteWorx 2 years ago

We’re well into the winter season and as we all know here in Northern Indiana, we tend to get the bulk of our snow in January and February. That means snow removal is on everyone’s mind!

Now is the time to start preparing your home and business for the coming winter months. 

Learn how professional snow removal and having ice properly addressed this winter can positively impact your business, protect your staff and customers, and keep your property intact through the winter.

Protect Your Home Or Business

We provide snow removal services to both homes and businesses. Our experts know exactly how to safely treat slippery patches of black ice and clear snow from your walkways.

Having those high-traffic areas safely cleared means a lower risk of accidents this winter.

While removing snow yourself and salting your sidewalks and driveways can help, relying on professionals will give you extra peace of mind and ensure snow is removed promptly and ice is treated immediately.

Winter Curb Appeal

Considering selling your property this winter? Or maybe you want to make sure potential customers and employees see your business as an inviting place to visit and work? 

Nothing helps improve your property’s curb appeal during the winter months like professional snow removal services.

Why invest in keeping your lawn and exterior in great condition only to ignore how snow and ice can hide and even damage your property?

Take care of your property year-round and showcase everything you love about it.

Get The Job Done

Assigning employees to remove snow or relying on someone in your family at home to do it doesn’t always work well. Volunteers are easily called away to address other tasks or are distracted by the disruption snow removal can bring to their daily schedule.

By hiring professionals, you know the snow will be removed and ice will be treated on schedule every time.

Convenience & Quality

Because we have professional snow removal tools, SiteWorx makes clearing snow from your property fast, easy and delivers high-quality results. 

For example, when you use a shovel to remove snow, there will always be a bottom layer that can’t be completely removed.

Our snow removal teams use the latest tools available to completely clear snow from your driveway, parking lot, and sidewalks. 

Just sit back, relax and depend on the professionals to deliver the results you need.

Stress-Free Snow Removal In Kosciusko County

Why add snow removal to your to-do list this winter when the professionals at SiteWorx can handle it for you?

Our snow and ice removal experts are here to help. Give SiteWorx a call today to get your service scheduled for this winter.

This article was originally published in October, 2021 and has been updated with the latest information and recommendations.